Actor and director Randeep Hooda’s film ‘Swatantra Veer Savarkar’ is now all set to be released on digital i.e. OTT platform, almost two months after its release in theatres. The final announcement has been made by the makers. Made with a budget of Rs 20 crore, this film was released in theaters on 22 March 2024. Many well-known stars including Ankita Lokhande were seen in it. Let us know when and where you can watch this movie on OTT. The film ‘Swatantra Veer Savarkar’ may not have done anything special at the box office, but Randeep Hooda’s acting was highly praised. Randeep had also lost several kilos of weight for this film. Everyone was stunned to see his drastic transformation. Now the makers have finally announced the OTT release date of the film.
The film will be released on the 141st birth anniversary of Veer Savarkar.
Swatantra Veer Savarkar film will be released on OTT on the 141st birth anniversary of Veer Savarkar. This film will be released on ZEE5 on 28 May 2024. The makers have announced the release date on social media.
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Cast of ‘Swatantra Veer Savarkar’
Apart from Randeep and Ankita, in this film, Amit Sial has played the role of Ganesh Damodar Savarkar, Rajesh Khera has played the role of Mahatma Gandhi, Lokesh Mittal has played the role of BR Ambedkar. Apart from these, many other stars have been seen.
The film did not perform at the box office
The film did a business of only Rs 31.23 crore at the box office. Apart from directing and acting in this film, Ranveer has co-produced and co-written it.