Twinkle Khanna, wife of Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar. It has been a long time since he was seen in a film. Instead of cameras, away from the dazzling world, he found solace in books. When those close to him discovered that he had a sense of humor, they advised him to turn his sense of humor into a book. With the help of people around her, meaning mother Dimple Kapadia, husband Akshay Kumar and others, she finally gave shape to ‘Mrs. Funnybones’. There is an anecdote in this book. Of the auto driver. Who could not recognize him and gave such an update about Akshay’s family that everyone laughed in shock. Let us know. Twinkle Khanna writes in her book ‘Mrs. Funnybones’, ‘It was about quarter to eight. Mother Dimple came to their house for tea. Both mother and daughter were chatting when suddenly son Aarav came running and told that he needed a book to complete his English homework. Bus. Then what was left Twinkle picked up the bag, took daughter Nitara, mother Dimple was with her and all four including Aarav left.
Driver’s whereabouts unknown, son advised to take auto rickshaw
‘Daughter has nothing to do with mother’
As soon as Twinkle sat in the auto rickshaw with her children and left on the private road towards home, the auto rickshaw driver said something that surprised the actress. He said, ‘Madam, that hero Akshay Kumar used to live here, but nowadays he lives in Bandra.’ Hearing this, Twinkle’s mouth fell open. Before she could say anything, the auto rickshaw driver continued, ‘Hey, he is married to Rajesh Khanna and Dimple Kapadia’s daughter, isn’t he? The daughter has no dealings with the mother. Especially now that he is the only heir. Akshay and his family have gone to live in a big bungalow in Bandra.
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Twinkle narrated her ordeal to Akshay
Twinkle was enjoying in her heart listening to the auto rickshaw driver’s words. When she asked her how she knew all this, the immediate answer was, ‘Madam, I drive a rickshaw, I keep everything informed.’ As soon as Twinkle reached home, she narrated the entire story of Akshay in one breath. She said, ‘Hey listen! Although Akshay used to live here earlier, but now he is living in Bandra and his wife hates her mother very much and…’
Akshay said- You have gone mad
Hearing such words from Twinkle’s mouth, Akshay narrowed his eyes and said, ‘Earlier I used to have some influence on you, but now you have definitely gone mad. What are you blabbering about Akshay, his wife, his mother? At last Akshay says, ‘You are an idiot.’ And then the daughter quickly says, ‘Where is the idiot, show me too.’ That’s the end of the chapter.