The trailer of Hina Khan’s new web series ‘Namakool’ was recently released, which is being liked a lot. In this, Hina Khan will be seen adding a touch of glamour, but the role will also be very important. ‘Namacool’ will be streamed on Amazon Mini TV on May 17. The story of Namacool is based in Lucknow, in which two friends Mayank and Piyush want to get a lot of name and popularity as soon as they reach the second year of college. They want to create chaos in Lucknow. But will they really be able to bring about chaos? This will be shown in ‘Namakool’.
Watch the trailer of ‘Namakool’:
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Mayank and Piyush will bring Bhaukaal? Fans crazy after seeing Hina
The makers recently released the trailer of this TV series and wrote on social media, ‘Mayank and Piyush have come to create a big ruckus. Will both of them together be able to bring their glory to Lucknow? ‘Namakool’ is a drama-comedy series, directed by Ritam Srivastava. Fans have liked the trailer of ‘Namakool’, and they are also praising Hina Khan’s glamorous style. Till the time of writing the news, its trailer has been viewed by more than 22 lakh people. A fan has written – Hina Khan definitely killed it. Another fan’s comment is- Hina is seen in the best avatar. She never misses a chance to impress. Read comments:
Hina Khan in the role of Rubia, said this
Hina Khan is playing the role of Rubia in ‘Namakool’. He told that he is very happy to be a part of this series and it will create a special place in the hearts of the audience. ‘Namakool’ has seven episodes, the story of which is written by Shantanu Srivastava. Talking about Hina Khan, she is currently seen in Gippy Grewal’s Punjabi film ‘Shinda Shinda No Papa’, which has been a superhit. ‘Namakool’ also stars Abhinav Sharma and Arun Kaul.
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