Actors Dhanush and Rajinikanth’s daughter Soundarya have decided to end their 18-year-old marriage in the year 2022 and filed for divorce. This shocked both their families as well as their fans. The reason for the divorce of Aishwarya and Dhanush was not revealed and both of them did not even talk about it. But now singer Suchitra has made a shocking claim. Suchitra claims that Dhanush and Aishwarya cheated on each other during their marriage. They were cheating on each other and had extra-marital affairs. Suchitra even said that despite being married to each other, Aishwarya and Dhanush used to go on dates with other people. Suchitra called Aishwarya a bad mother and said that Dhanush is fulfilling the duty of a father. Relations between singer Suchitra and Dhanush have not been good for the last few years.
Suchitra’s sensational claim on Aishwarya and Dhanush
Singer Suchitra, while talking to YouTube channel ‘Kumudam’, said about Aishwarya and Dhanush, ‘Aishwarya is accusing Dhanush of cheating on her. But he has also done the same throughout the marriage. Isn’t this a double standard? Aishwarya has cheated Dhanush, Dhanush has cheated Aishwarya. They are a couple who are systematically cheating on each other.
‘Is it normal to go on a date after being married?’
When Suchitra was asked on what basis she was making such allegations against Dhanush and Aishwarya, she said, ‘Both of them have had small flings. He’s sitting at a bar having a drink with the person he’s dating. Is it normal to go on a date after being married?
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‘Children should stay with Nana Rajinikanth’
Suchitra further said that she hopes to live with Aishwarya’s father and actor Rajinikanth, who is the children’s maternal grandfather. These claims of Suchitra have really shocked. Now it remains to be seen what Aishwarya or Dhanush will say on this.