Superstar Khesarilal Yadav’s much awaited film ‘Rang De Basanti’ has become the first Bhojpuri film which is releasing pan India on June 7 with Dolby Atmos. It is going to be the biggest film of Bhojpuri box office, produced by Roshan Singh, co-produced by Sharmila R Singh and directed by Premanshu Singh. It is told that we have made this film on a big scale and now we will release it with grandeur.
Makers have said that our film will be released prominently in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar, Jharkhand, Delhi, UP, Punjab, Uttarakhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir and Nepal. Is being released.
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Bhojpuri film released in multiplex
It is being said that almost all the preparations for the release of the film have been completed. The makers say that the film is being released in multiplexes and single screens as well, so this film is going to be accessible to every section of the audience and I would appeal to them to go and watch this film as well. Now no one can make the excuse that Bhojpuri films are not released in multiplexes.
Voices of big Bollywood artists will be heard in the songs.
Actress Rati Pandey and Diana Khan are in the lead roles with Khesarilal Yadav in the film ‘Rang De Basanti’. This film will give Bhojpuri audiences a better option for entertainment during holidays. It is being said that the film will be liked by every section of Bhojpuri audience. The songs of the film are one of the best. The voices of big Bollywood artists will be heard in the songs in the film.