While Bollywood actor Kartik Aryan’s birthday is on Friday, May 17, a mountain of sorrows has fallen. His maternal uncle and aunt died in the hoarding accident that took place in Ghatkopar, Mumbai on May 13. The bodies of both were recovered 56 hours after the accident which took place during the storm. Both were residents of Jabalpur. Karthik also reached Jabalpur from Mumbai with tearful eyes on Thursday to bid his last farewell to his maternal uncle and aunt. Karthik Aryan’s late maternal uncle Manoj Chansoria was the former director of Indore Airport. He lived with his wife Anita Chansoria in Mariam Chowk area of Civil Lines, Jabalpur. It is said that both of them had gone to Mumbai by car and were returning back to Jabalpur on Monday. Meanwhile, he had stopped at a petrol pump to fill oil in the car. Then suddenly a storm surrounded them.
Uncle and aunt had gone to their son to get a visa to go to America.
Kartik Aryan’s maternal uncle’s son Yash lives in America. Uncle and aunt had reached Mumbai to get a visa to visit their son. Both of them had to go to their son this Sunday. But he lost his life when a hoarding fell in Ghatkopar during the storm. A total of 16 people have died in this accident.
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Body recovered on Wednesday, last rites on Thursday
Last Wednesday, two more bodies were removed from the spot. Upon identification, it was found that both of them are relatives of Karthik Aryan. His last rites were performed in Jabalpur on Thursday, where Kartik Aryan was also present.
The hoarding was of 250 tonnes, main accused Bhavesh Bhinde arrested
Let us tell you that the search and rescue operation is still going on at the accident site in Ghatkopar. Investigation revealed that the hoarding that fell was illegal. This hoarding was more than 15 thousand square feet and weighed about 250 tons. Bhavesh Bhinde, the main accused in this accident, has been arrested from Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Karthik Aryan’s ‘Chandu Champion’ to release on June 14
Talking about work front, Karthik Aryan is also in discussion these days about his upcoming film ‘Chandu Champion’. Two posters of the film have been revealed. Karthik’s transformation in this film made under the direction of Kabir Khan has blown everyone’s senses. The film is inspired by the life of the country’s first Paralympic swimmer Murlikant Petkar. It will be released in theaters on June 14, 2024.