Voting for the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections is taking place today on May 13 in 10 states and union territories. This also includes Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Now there are long lines at the polling booth since morning. People have arrived since morning to cast their votes. South’s superstar Junior NTR was also seen standing in the queue to cast his vote. When his video surfaced, he started getting applause on social media. Junior NTR was seen at the polling booth located in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Where he stood in line with the common people. There were people behind and in front of him and there were cameras all around, which were capturing him. Apart from this, the actor’s bodyguards were also seen, who were deployed for his security. The actor was waiting for his turn in a blue shirt and dark glasses.
Junior NTR told fans after casting his vote
After casting his vote, at the request of the paparazzi, Junior NTR posed for a photo and showed the ink on his hand to the camera. During this time his family was also with him. Who got the photo clicked. After this, when the actor started going towards the car, he was asked to say something to the fans. While talking to news agency ANI, he said, ‘Everyone should use their right to vote. I think this is a good message, which we need to convey to our future generations.
Junior NTR praised
After watching the video of Junior NTR, people praised him a lot. Described them as ‘humble’. He also said that he returned from Mumbai after traveling late at night and got up at 6 in the morning to cast his vote. He could have come in the evening also but to influence his fans he came early.
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From Allu Arjun to SS Rajamouli also voted
Apart from Junior NTR, Allu Arjun, Chiranjeevi, MM Keeravani, SS Rajamouli also reached the same booth. They also stood in line and cast their vote. Whose video has surfaced. And while talking to the media, he also appealed to the people to cast their vote. Asked to use his rights properly.