Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasha Stankovic are reportedly heading for a divorce. The two, who got married in May 2020, are yet to react to the ongoing rumours. Meanwhile, a video has surfaced online, which reportedly suggests that Natasha continues to meet her ex-boyfriend Aly Goni even while she is in a relationship with Hardik. It is known to all that Natasha and Aly broke up due to cultural differences and he later started dating TV actress Jasmin Bhasin.
Aly Goni revealed that he and Natasha Stankovic met even after the breakup
The viral video is from a dance reality show. Nach Baliye 9 In which Natasha Stankovic participated with Aly Goni in 2018, and the couple became the third runner-up of the show. In the clip, judge Ahmed Khan asked Aly and Natasha if they have broken up after 5 years of dating. Reacting to this, Aly said:
“No, we broke up after four years. We used to meet every now and then.”
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Aly Goni and Natasha Stankovic were confused about their relationship status
For those who don’t know, let me tell you that during his tenure Nach Baliye 9 While with Aly Goni in 2018, Natasha Stankovic was already in a relationship with Hardik Pandya. When Aly was confused about the duration of her relationship with Natasha, she quipped, “We were in a relationship twice.” Ahmed also seemed confused by the duo’s statement and asked them if they were unsure about their relationship status. To this, Aly said:
“Even I don’t know this.”
Netizens react to Natasha Stankovic’s old video
Even after marriage with Hardik Pandya, Natasha stankovic meets her ex-boyfriend Aly Goni.
Never trust foreign women. 😏
— Radhika Chaudhary (@Radhika8057) May 25, 2024
As soon as the old video surfaced online, several netizens flooded the comment section to criticise Natasha Stankovic. Reacting to the video, a user wrote, “And people say men are toxic if you don’t let meet his ex or male best friend.” Another wrote, “Never trust only women.” Meanwhile, a social media user also pointed out that Hardik is not innocent either and commented, “Woh bhi koi doodh ka dhoola nahi hai.”
Hardik Pandya’s wife Natasha will get 70% of his property in divorce settlement
Amid reports of Hardik and Natasha’s separation, according to ABP, it was claimed that the model-turned-actress Natasha will take 70 per cent of the cricketer’s wealth after the divorce. The report further states that the couple is heading towards a divorce settlement, after which Hardik will be left with only 30 per cent of his wealth. Talking about Hardik Pandya’s luxurious lifestyle and his wealth, the cricketer’s net worth is Rs 165 crore. If the report is true, then Natasha will get most of Hardik’s wealth, which will bring a major change in the cricketer’s life.
The love story of Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasha Stankovic
Hardik Pandya and his girlfriend Natasha Stankovic got engaged on a cruise on January 1, 2020. The couple had a private wedding on May 31, 2020 and became parents with the arrival of their son Agastya on July 30, 2020. Since the two couldn’t have a grand wedding ceremony at that time due to the pandemic, they decided to have a grand wedding ceremony in Udaipur in 2023. Hardik and Natasha renewed their wedding vows in a grand ceremony as per Hindu and Christian rituals on February 14, 2023.
What is your opinion on Natasha Stankovic’s old video? Let us know.