Shekhar Suman is currently in the news for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s series ‘Hiramandi’. Recently, he narrated an incident from the time of his film ‘Utsav’ released in 1984, in which Rekha and Shashi Kapoor were also with him. Shashi Kapoor was not only the actor of the film but also the producer. Shekhar Suman told that when he and Shashi Kapoor were returning to Bangalore by car, on the way they hit a man hard and he went flying away. Seeing this, the villagers got angry and surrounded Shashi Kapoor and Shekhar Suman. Shekhar Suman told the entire incident in the Honestly Saying podcast. Shekhar Suman told that the villagers got angry and started beating him. He said, ‘Shashi Kapoor, Anuradha Patel, who played my wife in the film, I and Shashi Kapoor’s son Kunal Kapoor were returning from Bangalore to catch a flight. We were sitting in an Ambassador car and we hit a man on the road. He flew away and fell away. The villagers got angry and started beating us.
‘The villagers broke the glass, grabbed Shashi Kapoor’s collar and beat his son’
Shekhar Suman further said, ‘They broke the glass of the car. They grabbed Shashi Kapoor’s collar and started beating Kunal Kapoor. There was an actor Mr. Rajesh, who is no more in this world… The villagers caught hold of his hair and said that we will cut off your head. The man who was hit by the car was sitting under a tree, drinking tea and smiling. I don’t know what he was mumbling in his own language, but it was very scary.’
Shekhar Suman got his first film two weeks after coming to Mumbai.
Earlier, Shekhar Suman had told that he got his first film ‘Utsav’ two weeks after coming to Mumbai. Then, on the first day of the film’s shoot, Rekha’s house was raided by Income Tax. Shekhar Suman felt that Rekha would leave the shooting of the film because of this, and her career would end before it even started. But it did not happen. Rekha shot for ‘Utsav’ with Shekhar Suman.
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