Ranbir Kapoor’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni has joined the famous web series ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’. Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari Soni, Seema Sajdeh and Bhavana Pandey will also be seen in this show. When and where you can watch this show, let us know everything.
‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’ is such a different show, in which we get to see closely what the life of the wives of big Bollywood stars is like. It looks very lavish and glamorous on the outside, but internally one has to face many challenges. Now the third season of this famous show is about to come and this time Ranbir Kapoor’s sister Riddhima Sahni has also entered the show. Let us know about this in details.
The number of actors is going to increase in the upcoming season of Fabulous Lives Of Bollywood Wives. Neetu Kapoor-Rishi Kapoor’s daughter and Ranbir Kapoor’s sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni have joined the show along with two new ‘wives’, who are from Delhi.
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Riddhima Sahni’s entry
Two new wives will also be seen
PASCO Group Chairman Sanjay Pasi’s wife Shalini Pasi and entrepreneur Kalyani Saha Chawla will also be seen in the show. The show also stars Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari Soni, Seema Sajdeh and Bhavana Pandey. This time there will be a clash between Delhi vs Mumbai.
Clash between Delhi and Mumbai
Regarding this show, Riddhima said in the event, ‘I am a girl from Mumbai, who got married in Delhi and became a Delhi cat. Mumbai is my home, but Delhi is amazing. Neelam jumped on this and said, ‘Mumbai is the best without any doubt.’
When asked where in Delhi and Mumbai there is more awareness about the brand. On this Shalini said, ‘In Delhi people wear brands for themselves and in Mumbai people do this to show off to the paparazzi. Delhiites have private social media accounts. On this Bhavna said, ‘We do not need to wear a brand, we are the brand.’ Then Neelam also said, ‘If Delhi has drama then Mumbai has queens.’
The first season came 4 years ago
The first season of ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’ came in 2020, in which Neelam, Bhavana, Seema and Maheep talked about Bollywood stardom. Karan Johar and Gauri Khan were also seen in this season. Ranveer Singh and Shweta Bachchan also appeared in the second season. Its third season will stream on Netflix. The release date has not been announced yet.