Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor starrer ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ is just ready for release. This film has been produced by Karan Johar and it will hit the theaters on 31 May 2024. Recently, while talking to Karan Johar and Janhvi Kapoor, Rajkumar Rao revealed that due to star kids, many films passed away from him. On this, while debating on ‘insider and outsider’, Karan said that some people use it to attract attention and suspect that missing from parties does not lead to roles in films. Karan Johar talked about the debate on nepotism. Speaking in, he said, ‘Sometimes they are using it to gain headlines. Very successful people are saying, ‘Oh I was treated like an outsider and lost my chance to a star kid.’ Someone is saying, ‘I didn’t go to any party, that’s why I didn’t get the role.’ I don’t know in which party the transaction for films took place.
When I came to Mumbai, I was advised to go to parties.
Responding to Karan, Rajkummar Rao said, ‘When he came to Mumbai for the first time, he was also told to go to parties for networking. “Making connections is no problem, but going to a party and saying, ‘Hi, I’m here to make connections,'” he said. But having said that, I was supposed to do a film, but then suddenly it was changed overnight. I was no longer in that film. The film went to someone who is famous and a star kid. I think in my mind that this is not right. Just because you can control things, you know people, you can make some calls… it’s not fair. Ultimately that film was never made. That person was an insider, but he could also be an outsider who is successful and can do the same with you.
Nepotism was exposed earlier also
In a throwback interview with Ranveer Allahabadia, Rajkumar also talked about losing the film to an outsider. When asked if nepotism played a role in replacing him in a film, he admitted it, but said he preferred to move on. He also mentioned that it seems like it’s karma, because that film was never made.
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‘Srikanth’ movie has been released
Rajkummar Rao is enjoying the success of his latest release film ‘Srikanth’. This film was released on May 10 and is getting good response at the box office. From Ranveer Singh to Akshay Kumar praised Rajkumar’s acting.
Rajkumar Rao’s upcoming movies
Rajkumar has the sequel of ‘Stree’ film ‘Stree 2’, in which he will be seen with other stars including Shraddha Kapoor and Pankaj Tripathi. Apart from this, he also has ‘Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video’, which stars national crush Trupti Dimri.