Shahrukh Khan has worked with Rajkumar Hirani in his career, but has not done any film with his partner Vidhu Vinod Chopra till now. However, Shahrukh and Vidhu Vinod Chopra have been planning to come together for the last three decades. Vidhu Vinod Chopra made an interesting revelation in an interview. He told that Shahrukh was first to work in the film ‘1942: A Love Story’. Shahrukh Khan, not Anil Kapoor, was the first choice for the film. ’12th Fail’ director Vidhu Vinod Chopra revealed this during a chat at Kellogg School of Management. Vidhu Vinod Chopra told, ‘Shahrukh has a history with me. I had seen his work when I was making ‘1942: A Love Story’. Renu (Vidhu Vinod’s then wife) had edited a film named ‘Maya Memsaab’.
‘Shahrukh was not a star then, he was given the role’
Vidhu Vinod further said, ‘Shahrukh had a small role. So I offered him the role. I was the first person to offer him the role. Shahrukh was not a star at that time.
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Vidhu Vinod Chopra again told that he had also offered his film ‘Munna Bhai MBBS’ to Shahrukh in the year 2003, but Shahrukh left that film due to surgery. At that time Rajkumar Hirani was making his debut as a director with that film. Vidhu Vinod told, ‘I told him that you go, take six months, one year, whatever. But whenever you come back, you will do my film first. But due to some problems he could not do the film. Then I said that Sanjay Dutt is the perfect choice for this film.
Rejected ‘3 Idiots’ with Rajkumar Hirani, then did ‘Dinky’
Later, Rajkumar Hirani also offered his film ‘3 Idiots’ to Shahrukh, but then Shahrukh did not do that film. Then Aamir Khan was cast in it and the movie was a blockbuster. But after a lot of hard work, in the year 2023, Rajkumar Hirani and Shahrukh did the film ‘Dinky’ together, and it was a hit. But Shahrukh has not yet done a single film with Vidhu Vinod Chopra.