Filmmaker SS Rajamouli, who has made global hit films like ‘Bahubali’ and RRR, now wants to try his hand in animation films. He himself made this disclosure in an event held in Hyderabad. Rajamouli, who is bringing the animation series ‘Bahubali: Crown of Blood’ on OTT as a prequel to his superhit film ‘Baahubali’, said that he has been thinking of making an animation film for many years.
SS Rajamouli said, ‘The idea of making an animation film has been in my mind for a long time. I learn as I make films and then use that information in my films. In my film ‘Eega’ (Fly), I had included a small part of animation. At the same time, I have learned a lot by watching the work of Sharad Devarajan, co-producer of ‘Bahubali: Crown of Blood’, so that one day I can use those skills to fulfill my dream of making an animation film.
‘Bahubali’ franchise will be seen in different mediums
Regarding the reason for bringing ‘Baahubali’ as an animated series, Rajamouli said, ‘When we were creating the graph of the world and characters of the film ‘Baahubali’, we felt that there would be more to it for the audience than the film itself. there is too much. Whenever a brand is created in Hollywood, it comes in different forms, but this does not happen in India.
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Don’t want ‘Baahubali’ franchise just till box office
Rajamouli further said, ‘If a film does well in India, it just ends at the box office. We didn’t want that. We wanted to take this franchise forward, but we didn’t know how to do it. We tried to bring it in many ways, we tried making games, VR films, series, everything and learned that it is very important to connect with the right people for this. We are experts in film making. If not in animation or gaming, it took us time to find the right person.
The aim of making ‘Baahubali’ reach the common people
SS Rajamouli further added, ‘Then, when Sharad Devranjan told us his vision of making it into animation, how in a diverse country like India, animation has not gone beyond children’s cartoon films, and he wanted to do it like Japan and western countries. If we want to reach the common people, then we should connect with them to take this story further. However, it was a very difficult decision for me to leave myself behind and hand over ‘Baahubali’ to Sharad, but when I explained to him my vision of ‘Baahubali’ and what was the soul of Baahubali with which people connected, he understood it and loved it. Have brought it forward well. Our endeavor is to take Baahubali to many different mediums. Apart from films, a large number of us watch stories through mediums like books, comics, games, animation etc. We have to take Baahubali to the people in all these mediums.
‘Bahubali: Crown of Blood’ will be streamed on OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar.