The trailer of ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’, the next film of ‘The Lion King’ franchise, has been released. In this film you will get to see the story of Simba’s father Mufasa. The film will be released in many languages in the month of December this year. Know when it will hit the theatres.
The beauty of the forest, lots of animals and the roar of lions… If after reading this you are reminded of the famous film ‘The Lion King’, then there is good news for you. The first classic animation movie of the Disney media franchise film series ‘The Lion King’ is being liked a lot since the year 1994. A remake of this film was made in 2019 and now after five years the prequel of the film is coming. The name is, ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’. In the previous film you saw the story of Simba, this time you will get a chance to know more closely about Simba’s father Mufasa. It is known that in its Hindi version, Shahrukh Khan had voiced the character of Mufasa and Abram had given voice to the character of Simba.
Oscar-winning ‘Moonlight’ director Barry Jenkins will direct the film ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’. In this, we will see the interesting and emotional journey of Young Mufasa to reach power. The story is based on Disney’s 1994 animated classic ‘The Lion King’.
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The trailer begins with a beautiful setting of the forest, where the animal kingdom lives in harmony. It follows the adventures of Mufasa and the friends he makes along the way. The cast includes John Kani as Rafiki, Seth Rogen as Pumbaa, Billy Eichner as Timon, Donald Glover as Simba, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter as Nala.